The Polish Way
Notes by alexandra
Interesting character in Bolesław the Wrymouth -- echoes of Richard III. Remarkably quick development from 960s-1100s--goldwork, Benedictines, Premonstraterians (???), Cistercians, first chronicle in Latin written 1112-1116 in Krakow. Polish paganism--survives into 1100s, especially in Pomerania which resists Imperial Papal and Polish rule. Burning of churches, killing of priests. Feudal system of Western Europe never introduced into Poland as such, though economic feudalism emerges to a certain extent. Szlachta -- Gentry Włodyki -- Knights without noble status Panosze -- Yeoman class
St Kunegunda--'Ave Regina Coeli'--what does this mean? "Blessed Queen of Heaven" Boleslaw the Chaste only chaste because his wife St Kunegunda refused to consummate marriage (1240s). Tatars--Genghis Khan--Mongols Hourly trumpet call from St Mary's Church in Krakow breaks off in the middle to commemorate Tatar arrow which cut short trumpeter's call. Prussian tribes still heathen in 13th century. Northern Crusade against heathen Prussians and Slavs contemporaneous with Eastern Crusade. Duke Conrad of Mazovia in 1226 invites Teutonic Knights to establish commandery (district under command of an order of knights) in Chelmo to help conquer Prussia. By 1280s this is successful, Teutonic Knights establish colony in former Prussian land and the name "Prussia" in later centuries is used to describe Low Germans rather than original Baltic tribe.
Berlin on River Spree--stronghold from 1213 of the Margraves of Brandenburg. Are these Teutonic Knights those which inspired Wagner? No, it seems he is more interested in pre-Christian, Nibelung and Arthurian mythologies. What does "Drang nach Osten" mean? "Spread to the East" 1300--Vaclav of Bohemia invades Wielkopolska, with Holy Roman Emperor's consent crowned King of Poland. 1312--After an invasion of Kraków, Polish by Bohemia, Polish troops rounded up all townspeople and beheaded those unable to repeat Polish tongue twisters. Kronika Wielkopolska--Poznań 1280s. Władysław the Short--one of the greatest Polish kings, ascends throne 1320. Who are the Ruthenians? Ukrainians, Belorussians. Indictment of Templars 1307 warning to Teutonic Knights. Władysław the Short takes Teutonic Knights to Papal Court. Teutonic Knights remove to Marienburg in Prussia, attack Poland. Władysław defeats them at Plowce in 1331, his son Kasimierz III, r 1333-1370 known as "the Great" seems very interesting. Brick introduced 1st half 13th century. Martin the Pole: "History of the Popes" Bogurodzica--14th century hymn to the Mother of God The Lithuanians still pagan 1300s--they seem fascinating. Hussites--proto-Protestant followers of Bohemian Jan Hus. This is latter half of 14th century--Jagiełło Władysław is baptized, marries Jadwiga and is crowned King of Poland in February and March 1386. Henry V of England writes Jagiełło Władysław in 1415 to ask "to assist him with his strong arm". Czech Diet--what is a Diet? It is a deliberative assembly which uses parliamentary procedure to determine answers to questions which concern the government or organization, and to determine majority consensus on questions and issues concerning the organization.