New Home page
Check out your new homepage! You can now see your recent books, and any outstanding invitations right in one place. We have some pretty cool plans for future parts of this page, so keep your eyes out 👀
Search revamp
Searching for new books and searching your library just got way easier. Both now have full autocomplete for books already in the biblish library, and come with quick actions to help you find what you’re looking for. Searching for a new book also has some new additions, like being able to search by isbn, author, and more!
Minor Improvements and Bugfixes
- Fixed UI for adding a book and subscribing to an author from a book’s page
- Fixed UI broken scroll affecting smaller screens on certain pages
- New icon library being used for general purpose icons
- Added back button on book settings page
- Fixed previous shared notes not showing up in some edge cases
- Fixed changelog email not sending to all users
- Fixed library page popin when adding and deleting books
- Added confirmation dialog for deleting a book
- … And more!