Oct 27, 2023


🔗 New link previews

Papertrail now supports rich link previews. If you send a link to papertrail on social media, it will now have dynamically generated previews. For links to books, this will preview the book itself, readers, pages, and note count. For shared notes, this will show the author and the number of notes taken. Try sharing a link to check it out!

💻 Redesigned Layout

Not a massive change, but we removed the main header of logged in portion of the site into the side navigation bar. We think this looks a bit cleaner, and lets the main content of the site take up more room. Let us know what you think in our discord!

🐛 Minor Improvements and Bugfixes

  • Trying to insert a code block in a note will no longer blow up the site 💣
  • “Others reading” no longer includes you in the search page 🧑
  • Hitting next page would show far too many shared notes in some situations ➡️
  • Trying to use the site while logged out will now properly redirect you to sign in again ✋
  • … And more!