The Power Broker
Robert A. Caro
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, Jul 12, 1974
Russell Block
Dec 28, 2023
One can only imagine what cities would be like if they were ringed by accessible tracts of nature, like [A Pattern Language's]( country fingers.
Russell Block
Dec 8, 2023
# 9. A Dream Parks, especially in the era of organized gangs, have become no sure redoubt from urban problems, even if they are nominally there for the use and increased enjoyment of your law-abiding citizen and are an obvious necessity. I wonder if a more nuanced theory of parks has developed.
Russell Block
Dec 8, 2023
Maybe it is the time, or the level of government, but I doubt if bill writing at the federal level is a matter of individual expertise.
Russell Block
Dec 8, 2023
Legislative steering fascinates me. Here we see Moses assisting Jimmy Walker steer Governor Smith's legislative priorities through a chamber they ostensibly control by one vote. Caro's book on Johnson delves into Johnson's expertise in this matter extensively.
Russell Block
Dec 7, 2023
# 8. The Taste of Power
Russell Block
Dec 7, 2023
How bleak is this transformation? It is bleaker still because this seeming need to corrupt one’s moral stance to obtain power has not changed.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Moses’s phd thesis on grading civil servants for promotion.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
# Chapter 5 Age of Optimism
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Mitchel is the mayor that Moses hopes will implement the ideas from his phd thesis.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Marriage to Mary
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Describes the grading system, wherein, at Level 5, raises were unlimited and up to the department head, a mechanism which was used by Tammany to reward loyalty. Base pay of $3,260 / yr with 10k of 50k city employees at this level. Many with $7,500 when private sector work of a similar description for you $2,100. I need a refresher on where Bob Moses is actually employed at this point. As per of. 74 he works for The Municipal Research Bureau (The Bureau) and is assigned ten assistants to study the implementation of his grading program.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
In roughly 1917, mayor mitchel gives the railroad exclusive control of the west side waterfront for $300,000 so that they can elevate the tracks to reduce deaths.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
# III The Rise to Power
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
# 6. Curriculum Changes
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
My fiancée’s mom’s mom was a Root and is somehow related to Elihu Root.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Belle Moskowitz proposal to restructure the state government.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
The bureau of municipal research recommends a move from 169 state departments, boards, and other apparatuses to 12 departments headed by appointees of the governor. As a bureau staffer, Moses comes in contact with Bell Moskowitz.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
*The Report of the Reconstruction Commission to Governor Alfred E. Smith on Retrenchment and Reorganization in the State Government*
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
# 7. Change in Major
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Al Smith legislating for reform proposals
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Facts are easy to put forward in a logical manner, and they tell the lion’s share of the story. Personal charisma, or some strange interaction between personalities, that holds two figures fast or sends them violently apart, are matters more often lost to history, yet they can, as in the case of Smith and Moses, be definitive in their influence.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
# 2. Robert Moses at Yale What was tuition?
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Lyndon Johnson’s precocious political talent also took explicit form in collegiate organizations that, while ostensibly powerless, could be made to have power.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
I expect Robert Moses, with his ideas for great highways, as well as little shelters, will be an implementer of pattern languages with an incredibly high polarity, good and bad, often in one and the same implementation.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
I also want to say at this point that there is a rap on Caro that he may bend credulity in certain incidents. For the sake of narrative, or politics, or what, I do not know. I am I’ll-equipped to discover the merit of these accusations, and I forget where I have seen them, but it bears mentioning.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
I am not wholly equipped to assess expressways on their merits. I know they are awful for traffic patterns and the circulation of cities. They were also built for a small fraction of the traffic that now utilizes them, and so require constant repair. Was the investment in expressways the right choice at the right time? I do not know.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
The numbers often get slip comprehension when reading about spending on bills and programs in Caro’s books. I will likely make a note of them to try to keep the figures accessible and useful. > *By 1957, $133,000,000 of public monies had been expended on urban renewal in all cities of the United States with the exception of New York; $267,000,000 had been spent in New York*
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
At its height in 1960, Triborough controlled 103,071 acres with revenue of $213,000,000.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
Insurance has long been a tool of political control in Chicago wards. Laws mandate insurance policies, and ward bosses or those connected with them offer these policies, using some of the funds to buy to community. In this case, it seems a similar principle has moved up the rungs of society, and Moses took out policies from firms controlled by people with political leverage as a way to bribe them.
Russell Block
Dec 6, 2023
# Part I The Idealist