While You Were Out
Notes by moelovesbooks
This is a summary post for the entire book. Meg, you are an amazing writer and your ability to combine your journalist talent and you emotional family story was a wonderful part of reading this book. Everyone has a story, and you and your siblings and parents have many compelling tales, tragic along with humor. As a child of a large Catholic family with our own share of issues, I appreciate you travelled back in time to see what impacted your parent's behavior. We have never been able to do an adequate job of that ourselves. Personally, I can really relate to the experience of the members of the famliy that are "well" getting left with inadequate attention and carrying burdens that the adults should be shouldering. Mental illness, as the author stated, has ripple effects near and far from the poor soul suffering from the illness. Trigger warning, the horror of suicide is part of the story of this family, but it also very much about those who eventually find ways to cope. There is really such hope expressed as well as real human struggle. Thank you for writing this book.